Campaigning and advocacy

SFAR helps faith groups to use their voice and advocate for positive change for the benefit of refugees. We believe that every person fleeing from war or persecution deserves the chance to seek sanctuary, and we want for Scotland to be a welcoming country. Unfortunately, that often is not the case and policies implemented by our governments make it harder, not easier, or vulnerable people to build new lives.

Therefore, it is crucial that we use our voices to speak up for refugees and advocate for people seeking sanctuary. SFAR helps to co-ordinate and empower faith groups to speak boldly for change. For advice on campaigning as a faith group see our Call for change page.

Ongoing Campaigns

Right to work

Lift the ban and allow people seeking asylum to work. This will allow asylum seekers the dignity of working, while also reducing the cost on the state.

Rwanda Plan

Resist the cruel and ineffective plan to deport people seeking asylum to Rwanda. This policy flagrantly breaches international law and has been causing fear and anxiety among people seeking asylum.

Previous Campaigns

Free Bus Travel for Asylum Seekers

We supported the successful campaign advocating free bus travel for all asylum seekers in Scotland.

Illegal Migration Act

We encouraged faith groups to show “Hospitality not Hostility” in the face of ever increasingly hostile legislation.

Nationality and Borders Act

We were a part of the Together with refugees campaign opposing this restriction on the right to claim asylum.

No Evictions Campaign

We campaigned with partners to ensure that no asylum seekers were forced into homelessness through evictions.