Statement on Far-right Violence

Together with Interfaith Scotland and Faith in Community Scotland we have written a statement condemning the recent wave of racist and Islamophobic violence. Today the focus is on staying safe and protecting our friends and loved ones. But in the days to come we will need to address why this happened: how years of dehumanising language towards refugees and migrants allowed hatred to grow.

This must be a turning point.

Statement 08/08/2024

We have been shocked and horrified by the acts of violence that have been committed in recent days. Attacks on people seeking asylum, anti-Muslim hatred, and destruction of places of worship have no place in our society. We stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted over the past few days, and our prayers are with them.

Scotland’s faith communities are united against hate. We know that true community is built on compassion and respect for our common humanity. We are united in welcoming those seeking sanctuary in Scotland. People fleeing war and persecution deserve the opportunity to rebuilt their lives in safety and peace.

These attacks must act as a wake-up call particularly to politicians, the media and others in public leadership never to use dehumanising and hostile language when describing migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK and elsewhere. We must reject attempts to divide us and instead work to build healthy communities where all are welcome and valued.

Even in these difficult times we draw hope from the countless stories of communities who have come together to rebuild and strengthen their relationships. They remind us that love is stronger than hate and that we are always stronger together.

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